

  • Fushun Huijin
  • Yingkou LiYuan
  • Tianlixin
  • Xiuyan Manchu
  • Liaoning Jiuwang Magnesium industry Co., LTD

Choose usFour reasons

The company adheres to the power of technology, continuous innovation, continuous surpassing, and grow with customers. After years of experience, the company has become a leading enterprise with considerable strength and scale in the construction materials industry.

  • Superior geographical position

    Superior geographical position

  • Standardize and High
    Efficiency Production

    Standardize and High
    Efficiency Production

  • Professional Technical Support

    Professional Technical Support

  • 25 years of industry experience

    25 years of industry experience

  • Tel
  • +86-13125633658
  • Address:Liaoning Yingkou Nanlou Economic Development Zone, China